

Mediation is a process permitting the parties, with the aid of a third neutral party, to find a solution to their conflict. Its advantages are that it looks forward rather than backward, it looks for solutions rather than fault and it requires all the parties to accept responsibilities. The process of mediation is designed to make each of the parties see things the way the other sees them, to precisely define their differences and seek common ground, to decide what are their interests and their needs, to find a solution, to reach agreement and to assure the follow-up.

Methodology : First interviews are conducted individually with each of the parties / Mediation sessions with the parties using two mediators / An agreement is drafted  / The parties produce a joint communiqué addressed to all those involved in the conflict / Feedback is provided to the company / Follow-up by the company or by the mediators is made.


Certain companies have decided to put into place their own internal mediation structures. Having accompanied this process on many occasions since the first time it was done in Switzerland in 1995 we propose helping you with your process.


Put a structure in place which draws on our experience over the last twenty years. Points to observe are : The advantages and the risks of internal structures, both external and home-made / The rapidity of action provided / Relations between the mediators and the company’s hierarchy / Fitting the conflict and the parties into a pre-defined framework / The limits of intervention.

Train persons of confidence and internal mediators from within the company : To understand the potential and the limits of their intervention / To understand the importance of the attitude which they bring to the conflict / To learn how to listen and to be able to steer the parties through the mediation process / To be familiar with the various stages of mediation.

Assure quality standards in the interventions of persons of trust and internal mediators : Distinguish their role from that of a lawyer, a social worker or a business consultant / Fend off any attempted intrusion by management / Incite persons of trust to meet regularly to discuss any problematic situations / Assure continuous training / Provide advice in especially difficult situations