How to Promote Cross-Silo Leadership?

Classified under: Articles and readings, Blog How to Promote Cross-Silo Leadership? silos

Organisations slow at breaking down their silos are at risk of failing.

What is urgently needed are “cultural brokers”. This particular manager profile is skilled at facilitating interactions between individuals with different sets of assumptions, values and norms. Cultural brokers understand the value of asking questions that encourage perspective taking. They know how to expand points of view through network scanning. They reach out to others, establish bridges between different functional units and smoothe over ongoing collaboration.

How can senior management identify and develop those behaviours that will break down barriers within their organisations? Various solutions exist such as rotation programs, matrix structures, etc. Full article : INSEAD

For 20 years, Vicario Consulting has been assessing and developing individual managers asked to bring about cross-silo change. We also intervene at an organizational level by conducting audits and running change management workshops. Read more