
Clarifying 4 Misconceptions About Corporate Training

Classified under: Articles and readings, Blog

Close your skills gaps with the right approach to corporate training. A great majority of managers are concerned about the skills level of their teams. Especially in an ever changing work environment. Corporate training can indeed develop employees. But outdated methods and erroneous presumptions are holding back effective approaches. Full article : Fast Company Vicario […]

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Classified under: Articles and readings, Blog

When managers are stuck. Challenging moments not only happen in companies and industries, they happen in careers, as well. They are points when — for whatever reason — the conditions we work in or the expectations placed on us are so fundamentally altered that, if we don’t adapt, we will fail. they cannot arrive at […]

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Executive Coaching : New Questions for New Solutions

Classified under: Articles and readings, Blog

Jumping the hurtle of limiting assumptions. Many managers hit an inflexion point in their careers. This typically occurs when work circumstances evolve drastically. If they fail to adapt, they risk finding themselves in difficulty because new solutions and modes of thinking are necessary. However, managers often get stuck repeatedly asking themselves the same questions. Executive […]

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Developing Resilience at Work

Classified under: Articles and readings, Blog

A survival skill in a VUCA world. Volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous. Do these adjectives apply to your work environment? Resilience increases our capacity to overcome career obstacles, helps us make sense of organizational changes, and supports us when having to navigate various forms of transition. This does not necessarily imply grinding your teeth and tensing […]

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Assessment center

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[et_pb_section][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text] Assessment centers evaluate potential for future performance. Selecting individuals to hire or promote can be a challenging task. Public personnel managers often contemplate about the most appropriate selection method to ensure hiring the most capable candidates. It is essential for organizations to utilize fair, objective as well as effective hiring, and professional development […]

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Positive Assessment Experience Correlates with Positive Job Attitude

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Selecting individuals to hire or promote can be a challenging task. It is essential for organizations to utilize fair, objective as well as effective hiring, and professional development methods. assessment centers do not evaluate employees’ past performance; they evaluate their potential for future performance. Many researchers have noted that assessment centers have a positive impact […]

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Resilience Training: Not Always the Right Solution

Classified under: Articles and readings, Blog

Resilience training should not make up for managerial responsibilities. Today’s more-with-less work climate means heavier workloads and higher pressure. So personal resilience has never been more necessary. The goal of corporate resilience training is to help employees to develop resources and healthy habits so as to better cope with work strains and stresses. It can […]

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Swiss Women’s Rights for Equal Treatment

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Swiss women demand greater gender equality. Last Friday saw nearly half a million women protest against Switzerland’s slow pace to gender equality. Overall, Swiss female professionals still earn 20% less than their male counterparts. The International Labour Organisation namely rates Switzerland among the last nations when it comes to equal pay between men and women […]

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Employee Turnover is Not Always All Bad

Classified under: Articles and readings, Blog

At times letting employees go might be necessary. Despite the high costs of replacing them. Accurately calculating the net gain – from a human and performance perspective – helps to justify turnover. Traditional HR metrics often focus on the costly resources invested in hiring and onboarding individual replacements. However, a more systemic approach also factors […]

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Managers’ Changing Role in a VUCA World

Classified under: Articles and readings, Blog

Many managers have failed to evolve alongside changing organizational needs. For nearly a century, management has been conceived according to Henri Fayol’s five default functions. Planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling. This was all perfectly valid before a VUCA landscape became the norm. Indeed, AI is progressively replacing many human tasks. Consequently, managers are expected to think […]

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