
Completely true and completely false advice

Classified under: Blog, Press / media

I was told a long time ago: “Beware of students, of those who read too much and love theory, it’s only the concrete that counts. Then I was told: “If you don’t know German, you’re dead in Switzerland. Work on your Wortschatz and your vocabulary”. I was also told: “If you study soft sciences, you’ll […]

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It’s Proven : Positive Work Cultures Are More Productive

Classified under: Blog, Articles and readings

Research shows that a positive work environment benefits employers, employees, and the bottom line. In fact, cut-throat organizations fail to recognize the hidden costs incurred behind all the stress and pressure to perform. Health care spending Health care spending in highly tense companies is almost 50% higher than in other organizations. Workplace stress is indeed correlated […]

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How to Make Work More Meaningful?

Classified under: Articles and readings, Blog

Encouraging meaning at work offers numerous organizational and individual benefits. How can an organization develop higher performance, increased satisfaction and self-confidence, as well as greater perseverance and self-motivated skills development? Which set of conditions must be met? Employees must first have clarity in terms of what is expected of them and how to invest their […]

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How to Promote Change with the Right People?

Classified under: Blog

HR need to encourage more of a change culture. The development of HR functions are linked to the bygone industrial age. Talented employees were expected to compliantly contribute towards the organization’s common goals and global value. HR was thus put in charge of an ecosystem built around formalized processes, sameness, common practices, and conformity. This model […]

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Effective Crisis Leadership : Communication and Focus

Classified under: Articles and readings, Blog

Reassurance and transparency. COVID-19 has brought along much uncertaintly about our professional and personal lives. Businesses are experiencing major disruptions ; some are worried about their very survival. It is therefore critical for leaders to help employees stay informed, feel heard, and kept on track. Firstly, organizational leaders should communicate frankly and frequently about how […]

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Enhancing Remote Teamwork : 4 Practical Steps for Every Manager

Classified under: Articles and readings, Blog

Quality of relationships declines as remote work increases. So how maintain rapport, motivation and a common identity when employees cannot meet often physically? How can managers adjust to sustain performance and wellbeing? Especially when more at ease with “managing by walking around”? High intensity telework may represent a steep learning curve for many managers. Luckily, […]

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Leading Your Team Back to the Office

Classified under: Articles and readings, Blog

Help your team transition back to the office. Since the beginning of lockdown, you and your team have gradually become used to the new “telework normality“. Only to now have to adjust right back again to a new “social distancing office normality“. Unfortunately, it won’t be as easy as flipping the light switches back on […]

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A Head of Remote Work : The Right Move for Your Organization?

Classified under: Articles and readings, Blog

What would a Head of Remote Work do? It’s all about ensuring that remote work is properly supported versus merely allowed. Formalizing and implementing work from home properly needs to be managed as a process. Indeed, getting remote work right involves more of a cultural change of habits than simply switching from a mostly colocated […]

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Head of Remote Work : A Worthwhile Function?

Classified under: Articles and readings, Blog

What role for a Head of Remote Work? It’s all about ensuring that remote work is properly supported. Not merely allowed. Because getting remote work right requires a slow change in habits instead of a quick flip from a collocated to a remote setting. Will your existing management and HR team be able to address […]

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How to Handle Office Romance in Today’s #MeToo Era

Classified under: Articles and readings, Blog

Falling for your coworker is both normal and common. But before acting on your feelings, you might assess the risks. Many organizations forbid their employees to date coworkers, vendors, customers, or suppliers, or then require specific disclosures. So be sure to check company policies before launching into a relationship. Your colleagues’ perceptions will reflect what they […]

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