Twenty-five years already…
An initial intuition. That’s how long it took psychotherapist Angelo Vicario to realize that work not only generates inclusion, but also exclusion and disaffiliation. And with it, the impact on employees’ physical and mental health. It’s a matter of urgent concern. These values underpin the DNA of the firm, whose motto is “the human dimension of the organization”.
The three methodological eyes. It was then the test of reality that showed him the interdependence between three registers (the person, the organization and the culture), one influencing the other and vice versa. Acting on only one of the pillars is doomed to failure. This principle gave rise to our systemic interventions in open architecture.
A willingness to team up. 25 years is the length of time it has taken to build a complementary team to deal effectively with this complexity: jurist, engineer, sociologist, doctor, economist, HR specialist, public sector specialist, entrepreneur… This choice presides over the interdisciplinarity of our methodologies.
From our 25 years of experience, we have discovered 4 valuable ideas that we share with our customers.
- Alone, you can’t do anything great. But when you’re working with several people, you generate skills and complexity that need to be regulated. Our 7 offices throughout Switzerland enable us to serve demanding customers and carry out national mandates.
- Benevolence is not the antonym of performance. On the contrary, benevolence and high standards enable performance.
- The only way to develop a team over the long term is to respect people. Several people have been with the firm since the very beginning.
- Flexibility and agility can work wonders. Several of our regional headquarters are successfully co-managed by part-time specialists on a job-sharing basis.
25 years of encounters…
25 years of encounters… in Sion!
Our guest, Prof. Dr. Jérôme Meizoz, from the University of Lausanne, came to talk about Literature and Management.
25 years of encounters… in Neuchâtel!
In an ever more competitive environment, faced with ever more complex challenges, in an ever more competitive market, where everything is fast-moving and highly connected… What skills are needed to best serve the smooth running of a company? The subject of “key competencies” was discussed recently in Auvernier. At the invitation of our company’s Neuchâtel office, Vicario Consulting SA, as part of a series of conferences to mark our 25th anniversary, two speakers took part in the debate: Sarah Hurter, project manager for international creative content, embodied the younger generation. Opposite her is a former Human Resources Director, Jocelyn Saucy. Florence Richard-Crot and Rachel Erard, co-heads of the Neuchâtel-Jura region, led the discussion.
25 years of encounters… in Geneva!
Invitation of Prof. Jean-Yves Mercier, from the University of Geneva, to explore the last 25 years of management: changing fashions or changing needs?
25 years of encounters… in Bern
On 5 November 2024, we celebrated our 25th anniversary in Bern, in the historic setting of Restaurant Verdi. The evening was a rich affair, bringing together a large number of customers and partners. Together, we raised our glasses in honour of our long-standing collaboration and shared our perspectives on current issues relating to staff development.
25 years of encounters… in Lausanne
During our 25th anniversary celebrations in Lausanne, Dr Alessandro Pelizzari, a doctor in sociology, shared some stimulating thoughts on recent changes in the world of work.
25 years of encounters… in Lugano
25 years of encounters… in Lausanne
Dr Alessandro Pelizzari will be our guest to put the place of work in our societies into sociological perspective.