All-round feedback

All-round feedback bilan carriere 2

The all-round competence assessment sheds light on how the candidate behaves and interacts in his managerial role.

The process offers two scientifically validated assessment tools: the LEA (Leadership Effectiveness Analysis) test developed by Management Research Group®, and the L.A.B.E.L. test from F Gendre and R Capel at the University of Lausanne.

The first tool (LEA) identifies leadership competencies: Decision-making / Communication / Change management / Problem-solving / Team management / Strategic vision…

The second (L.A.B.E.L.) distinguishes personality traits specific to management: Work style / Motivation / Decision-making style / Leadership style…

Methodology : One (or both) of the questionnaires is (are) to be filled in by the candidate, his manager, three colleagues and three members of the candidate’s staff / A report on the findings is produced / We expose the differences between what the candidate thinks of himself and what others think of him / Proposed development measures are suggested / In certain situations we facilitate a discussion between the candidate and the persons having participated in the evaluation.